Couples and Therapy
Couples experience many transitions during the course of their relationship:
- Newborn child and the change in family dynamic
- Health issues of the child or of each other
- Infidelity
- Dissatisfaction with each other
- Repetitive arguments and resentments
- Trouble with decision-making as a team
- Aging
- Couples therapy is an approach to working with any pair of partners who are experiencing difficulty in functioning effectively or not achieving the happiness that they desire.
Couples therapy permits the couple to focus on the immediate issues and develop more effective communication and coping skills.
Through the therapeutic process, couples learn how to let go of past grievances, defuse anger and restore their emotional bond. In addition, they may attempt to unravel how prior family relationships influence functioning both on an individual and couple level. They will use an array of in-session exercises and homework assignments to:
- improve communication
- encourage personal accountability
- enhance empathy
- moderate behavioral and emotional extremes
- This approach is appropriate for any pair of people, including married couples (both gay and straight), non-married partners, parent-child or brother-sister.